Our projects always start with a story

Discover the transformative power of landscape architecture in our Projects gallery, where over 30 years of reconnecting people with nature come to life. You can find our works worldwide, from small green interventions to large masterplans, from consulting activities to competitions.

Solar Panels on a mountain with blue sky and some clouds

Duragno Alpine Solar Park

Duragno Alpine Solar Park

La Promenade Fleuve, Québec

La Promenade Fleuve, Québec

Al Urubah Park, Riyadh

Al Urubah Park, Riyadh

Al-Khuwair Downtown Masterplan, Muscat

Al-Khuwair Downtown Masterplan, Muscat

Water Park, Arcore

Water Park, Arcore

Green Connect, Vilnius

Green Connect, Vilnius

Volvo Electric Charging Station, Milan

Volvo Electric Charging Station, Milan

Airolo Valley Renaturation, Airolo

Airolo Valley Renaturation, Airolo

Lura River Retention Basins, Lomazzo, Bregnano, Rovellasca

Lura River Retention Basins, Lomazzo, Bregnano, Rovellasca
LAND Germany site plan of the noise barrier in Duisburg Wedau

Noise Barrier Duisburg Wedau, Duisburg

Noise Barrier Duisburg Wedau, Duisburg