Jonathan Arnaboldi

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I graduated in Landscape Architecture from Politecnico di Milano in 2023, where I presented a design thesis focused on a brownfield reclamation in the city of Como. As a curious observer and keen learner, I’ve developed a passion for the design of public spaces, ecological issues, and visual representation over the years. My architectural studies are enriched by my background as an agronomist, allowing me to rely on a broad range of polytechnic skills. These skills enable me to approach projects with both a large-scale systemic vision and attention to the detailed design and selection of plant species.

In 2024, I joined LAND, where I collaborate on various projects in both natural contexts and built environments. This role allows me to apply my expertise and passion to create sustainable and aesthetically pleasing landscapes.

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Aerial image of Bolzano with the newly to built Ringpromenade as a hand drawn sketch

Ringpromenade, Bolzano

Ringpromenade, Bolzano

CariGO GREEN3, Carso 2014, Gorizia

CariGO GREEN3, Carso 2014, Gorizia

CariGO GREEN3, Isonzo XR, Gorizia

CariGO GREEN3, Isonzo XR, Gorizia

Via Orti, Milan

Via Orti, Milan