Our projects always start with a story

Discover the transformative power of landscape architecture in our Projects gallery, where over 30 years of reconnecting people with nature come to life. You can find our works worldwide, from small green interventions to large masterplans, from consulting activities to competitions.

Aerial image of Bolzano with the newly to built Ringpromenade as a hand drawn sketch

Ringpromenade, Bolzano

Ringpromenade, Bolzano
Cremona Hospital MCA with LAND

New Cremona Hospital, Cremona

New Cremona Hospital, Cremona

Gavoglio Park, UNaLab Project, Genoa

Gavoglio Park, UNaLab Project, Genoa
A men on the platform in the Portello area of Milan

Parco Industria Alfa Romeo, Milan

Parco Industria Alfa Romeo, Milan

An agro-environmental laboratory for the Po Delta, Mesola

An agro-environmental laboratory for the Po Delta, Mesola

Parco Unione – Ex Falck Areas, Sesto San Giovanni

Parco Unione – Ex Falck Areas, Sesto San Giovanni

Water Park, Arcore

Water Park, Arcore

Furla Headquarter, Florence

Furla Headquarter, Florence

Casa di Langa, Cerretto Langhe

Casa di Langa, Cerretto Langhe

Vercelli Masterplan, Vercelli

Vercelli Masterplan, Vercelli

Parco Romana, Milan

Parco Romana, Milan

Volvo Electric Charging Station, Milan

Volvo Electric Charging Station, Milan

UNaLab Europe

UNaLab Europe

Green Plan, Bolzano

Green Plan, Bolzano

CariGO GREEN3, Isonzo XR, Gorizia

CariGO GREEN3, Isonzo XR, Gorizia

LECCO 2030, a 360° sustainable city, Lecco

LECCO 2030, a 360° sustainable city, Lecco

Urban Living, Munich RE Terrace, Milan

Urban Living, Munich RE Terrace, Milan

Lura River Retention Basins, Lomazzo, Bregnano, Rovellasca

Lura River Retention Basins, Lomazzo, Bregnano, Rovellasca

Regeneration of the Enel Palladio Plant, Porto Marghera

Regeneration of the Enel Palladio Plant, Porto Marghera

CariGO Collio XR, Gorizia

CariGO Collio XR, Gorizia

Urban Forestation, Taranto

Urban Forestation, Taranto

CariGO GREEN3, Carso 2014, Gorizia

CariGO GREEN3, Carso 2014, Gorizia

Ca’ Corniani Landscape Enhancement, Venice

Ca’ Corniani Landscape Enhancement, Venice

Masterplan for the Enhancement of the Palmaria Island, Porto Venere

Masterplan for the Enhancement of the Palmaria Island, Porto Venere