CariGO GREEN3 on Il Piccolo

CariGO GREEN3 is the topic of an article published in the June edition of the Italian magazine Il Piccolo

The following is an abstract of the article (available in Italian).

The need to rediscover a harmonious relationship with the landscapes has never been so evident in our daily lives.

Reflections and research increasingly focus on the vocations of territories and the all too often unexpressed potential of the landscapes around them. The “15-minute city”, promoted by the Mayor of Paris, promotes the so-called “daily landscape”, available to everyone with no obligation to consume, but with the promise of regeneration for future inhabitants.

This is the reference frame in which the CariGO GREEN3 strategy is positioned with its 3 application projects: Carso XR, Collio XR and Isonzo XR. Three well-codified and recognisable landscapes in which nature and culture merge generate a dialectical relationship at the service of an economy linked to the urban centres and the infrastructure system of the entire FVG region.

Sustainability, mobility, public space, and well-being are key elements at this time in human history. These will allow us to regain genuine contact with nature and reduce our impact on the entire planet.

The so-called “digital landscape” is at the base of the entire strategy: an innovative platform that offers a geo-referenced narrative, overlapping new levels of reading, developing the “invisible” stories already contained within the territories, creating “hyper-landscapes” rich in suggestions and always implementable. A format that can be applied in other contexts because it is replicable and adaptable to complex local constellations.

The Isonzo territory participates in a large common project in which the landscape represents the catalyst for new forms of development. This is a different way of thinking about local development, with a strategic, long-term approach that starts from the peculiarities of the places: a “place-based” and “people-oriented” method. This is how we can explain the concepts of cultivation and productive landscape: supporting territories, aware and rich in their memories and identities, towards a multi-coded ecosystemic future and serving those who live in a region as if it were the city of the future.

You can download the article in Italian: land-landitalia-ilpiccolo-carigogreen-ok

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